Posts tagged Elections
PA’s Summer Lee Isn’t Backing Down

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In this Episode:

Pennsylvania State Representative Summer Lee joins us to talk about her race to become the first Black woman representing western Pennsylvania in the U.S. House; why her race is significant to the national progressive movement as a whole; and how she continues to overcome obstacles thrown at her from Republicans and mainstream Democrats alike.


Donate to Summer Lee Directly Here


Summer Lee for Congress (Watch Braddock video here)

Braddock, PA Wiki

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Where to Give: Your Political Dollars

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In this Episode:

You want to contribute and we want to help you do it wisely. We explain why donating to Stacey Abrams’s  campaign is the most significant way to help Democrats transform the balance of power in this country this midterm cycle. We explain how her campaign can change Georgia (and the country) forever and shine a light on the groundwork being laid in Arizona to make it true Blue, and why you should be supporting the efforts there as well. We also highlight some vulnerable Republican incumbents in California who should be worried about holding their House seat come this fall.

Q2 is underway and you know what that means…prom season! Julie also joins the pod to give an inside scoop into high school “prama” (prom trauma and prom drama) before we dive into how to spend your political contributions this quarter. 


Where to Give

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Nina Turner Sees the Promise in the Problem

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In This Episode:

In this episode, former state senator and congressional hopeful Nina Turner joins us for a moving conversation about the legacy of civil rights leaders in Ohio and across the country and her goal to push their vision forward as a U.S. representative. She shares her political journey from the Ohio state legislature to her leadership at Our Revolution and her tenure as co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign.

Turner discusses why this moment is ripe for bold, progressive change, her historical commitment to the Democratic Party as a fighter for working families in Ohio, and why arguments around “sloganeering” dismiss the importance of demanding better for the collective humanity, as many civil rights leaders have done in the past. 


Nina Turner – @ninaturner

“Hello Somebody with Nina Turner” – Podcast 

Nina Turner for Congress – Website

Democracy in Color Launch - Women of Color: Uniting the Party, Leading the Country – Video


Council on Foreign Relations // James M. Lindsay – The 2020 Election by the Numbers

19th News // Amanda Becker – Exclusive: Ohio’s Nina Turner picks up Ocasio-Cortez endorsement in U.S. House race

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After the White States, What’s Next?

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In this Episode:

Iowa Caucus 2020 will be one for the books. We talk about what happened and what it means as the nomination race heads to another nearly-all-white state—New Hampshire—and then, finally, on to the diverse states of Nevada and South Carolina, where voters of color will help decide who becomes the eventual winner. Steve breaks down the interplay of Momentum and Math (accumulating delegates) in determining the Democratic nominee. Also get great insight on what’s ahead from Emmy Ruiz, one of the nation’s foremost political strategists who worked on Hillary Clinton’s campaign in Nevada in 2016 and was most recently a senior advisor to Kamala Harris’ campaign. [12:54]


Emmy Ruiz - @EmmyRuiz

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