Reparations Now


It is time for Congress to prove that Black Lives Matter by passing legislation to begin to address the economic consequences of slavery and racial discrimination and to develop proposals for redress, including reparations.

Take Action

Sign the petition: Black Americans deserve reparations. Demand Congress commission a reparations study now!

HR 40 Co-Sponsor Tracker: Click here to see if your Congressmember is a cosponsor on this list . If not, call them up and demand they sign on to H.R. 40.


We commissioned a poll with Civiqs on public opinion around Reparations. Top line: 56% of respondents believe U.S. Congress is "doing too little" to address racial inequality.


Democracy in Color with Steve Phillips Podcast - Reparations 101 - School is not back in session yet but clearly there are a lot of people who need schooling, especially when it comes to understanding reparations.


This Is the Perfect Moment to Push for Reparations - By Steve Phillips, The Nation