How to Help

We know that many of you are looking for ways to make a difference, especially in these times and during this election cycle, to help the movement change this country for the better.

We will be offering recommendations with opportunities where an infusion of assistance can make a meaningful difference.

We’ll be releasing these actions on our email list, and social media platforms, and on this page.

November 2020

Let’s flip the U.S. Senate and give Democrats control of the Senate! The special run-off election in Georgia takes place January 5. Thank you in advance for supporting Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff for U.S. Senate in Georgia, and Fair Fight, an organization that has a proven track record of promoting fair elections and increasing voter turnout in Georgia.

How: Donate here. Contributions will be split evenly three ways—between the Senate campaigns and Fair Fight. All funds donated here will be directly deposited to the campaigns and to Fair Fight.
Sign up to volunteer here. After you sign up your information will be processed and you will be assigned to the Georgia Democrat’s Runoff Strike Team.

July 9, 2020

What: We’re dedicating this month to pushing the discussion forward on Reparations. It is time for Congress to prove that Black Lives Matter by passing legislation to begin to address the economic consequences of slavery and racial discrimination and to develop proposals for redress, including reparations.

How: Sign our petition here.

Resources: View our list of actions and information here.

June 4, 2020

What: Democracy in Color is highlighting The Collective PAC’s Justice for All Action Fund. This fund aims to:

  • Recruit, train, and support Black judicial, prosecutorial and attorney general candidates to ensure more representative leaders are leading the criminal justice system.

  • Advocate that states, cities, and counties require officers to live in the communities they serve to promote community policing; appoint special prosecutors for all officer use of force cases to ensure impartiality, and convict police for use of executive force and murder at the same level as civilians to ensure equal justice under the law.

Why: As we saw in the Ahmaud Arbery case, those who were supposed to ensure justice sat on the case until the video of Ahmaud’s shooting came out. And in Minnesota the county DA did as little as possible, prompting the governor to step in and put the case in the hands of Attorney General Keith Ellison, a Muslim African-American man who came up from community work. Keith quickly upgraded charges against the officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck and charged the other three officers involved.

How: Donate here: The Collective PAC’s Support The Justice for All Action Fund.

MAY 21, 2020

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What: Democracy in Color has partnered with JustGeorgia, a coalition of progressive and social justice organizations (including the Georgia NAACP and the New Georgia Project created by Stacey Abrams) on a petition calling for justice for Ahmaud Arbery.

Why: On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old unarmed African-American man was out jogging in Georgia when two white men confronted him, and then shot and killed him.  This petition sends a message that we will not stand for injustice. The petition calls for:

  • The immediate resignations of District Attorneys Jackie Johnson and George Barnhill

  • Transparent independent investigations of law enforcement misconduct

  • Support for current reforms to Georgia’s criminal legal system and push back against reform repeals

How: Sign the petition here.

MAY 7, 2020

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What: We’re doubling down! Democracy in Color has partnered with Vote Forward, Indivisible, Swing Left, the Women’s March Foundation, and others to help send letters to voters across the country. Vote Forward hopes to send over 10 million letters by October 2020.

Why: Letter writing is scientifically proven to increase the likelihood that voters will turn out in an election. Letter writing is a fast action and can be done from home no matter where you live.

Note: Minimum requirement—In order to participate you must write 5 letters. You'll need stamps and envelopes and access to a printer.

How: Sign up here!

APRIL 2, 2020


What: A fundraising effort organized by Democracy in Color to support undocumented immigrants during this time of national crisis. Your contributions will be matched up to $10,000. Our team has researched and identified two groups that have already been doing valuable work to support undocumented workers and are stepping up efforts during this time:

  • Alliance San Diego’s Immigrant Relief Fund

  • Movimento Cosecha

Why: Now more than ever our undocumented sisters and brothers need our support. The Congressional CARES Act, the $2 trillion stimulus that will provide much needed help for many across the country has left them behind. Little, if any, of that relief money will go to the millions of undocumented immigrants who belong to and contribute to our communities. They will be among the hardest hit by this economic shutdown.

How: Donate to these two organization here and please share this page and encourage others to give.

MARCH 26, 2020

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What: Democracy in Color is asking for signatures for our petition calling for presidential candidates Sanders and Biden to commit to selecting a woman of color as their running mate.

Why: Now more than ever having the perspective of women of color, who sit at the intersection of the critical constituencies of women and people of color, in the White House and advising the next president is vitally important. Also from a political standpoint, adding a progressive woman of color to the presidential ticket will bring out the voter energy and enthusiasm needed for Democrats to win this November.

How: Sign the petition here and please share it and encourage others to sign.

MARCH 19, 2020


What: Democracy in Color is asking for help in creating an online resource that highlights the most promising and impactful public policy responses to the coronavirus.

Why: From city government to the Capitol, elected leaders are getting creative and discovering bold solutions are in fact possible, but there is no clearinghouse of these innovations that can inform other leaders and keep the momentum going.

Details: Check out the tool we've begun and please suggest/add other examples we should include.

How: Check out the online spreadsheet here. Submit other policy/legislation here.

MARCH 12, 2020

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What: Democracy in Color has partnered with Vote Forward to send letters to voters across the country. Vote Forward hopes to send over 1 million letters by October 2020.

Why: Letter writing is scientifically proven to increase the likelihood that voters will turn out in an election. Letter writing is a fast action and can be done from home no matter where you are located.

Details: Minimum requirement—In order to participate you must write 5 letters. You'll need stamps and envelopes and access to a printer.

How: Sign up here.

MARCH 5, 2020

What: Support Reverend Raphael Warnock who is running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia this November.

Why: Rev. Warnock is the successor to Martin Luther King, Jr in that he is now the pastor of Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, which was Dr. King’s church. He is also working to carry on King’s social change legacy as he has been a strong voice and passionate advocate for social justice and economic equality. Politically, he is a close ally of Stacey Abrams, and his campaign is critically important for Democrats’ efforts to take back the Senate.

How: Please contribute whatever you can to his campaign — whether it’s $5, $25 or $500 — he’s going to need a large national network of small donors.